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The Need for A Social Media Presence

Do you have a social media presence yet? It is 2020 and if you still don’t have your business on social media, then you are ignoring its worth and in fact missing out on a huge chunk of marketing opportunities. In fact, ignoring the power of social media is detrimental towards your chances of improving brand recognition, brand awareness and loyalty.

According to SpringwoodMarketing, in 2019 alone, there were over 2.77 billion people on social media and this number keeps growing. In 2020 with the pandemic, almost everyone is online a lot for work, business or personal use and hence, to ensure online visibility, you cannot afford to not have a social media presence.

Here are four things social media will help you do:

· It will help in identifying new opportunities, ideas and trends

· It will allow you to connect with new audiences you would otherwise not have access to.

· Helps consumers recognize your brand by bringing attention to your work.

· Helps you continue to build brand awareness and competitiveness while enhancing your business image.

According to COO Alliance, brand recognition is the largest determinant as to whether a customer will choose your business over someone else. It is therefore imperative that you make your brand recognizable by getting it out there and one of the best ways to do so in online circles is through social media marketing. Every month, social media platforms are teeming with over 3 billion users and hence, engagement on all the major platforms have gone up. As in any other marketing social media marketing needs a strategy and being there can be time-consuming not to mention over time, it can get rather exhausting. A smart business therefore will find the most efficient ways to utilize social media platforms and boost their brand recognition.

These more effective methods include but are not limited to:

· Setting social media goals to ensure you get the most out of your profiles. Whether it is driving customers to your site or building up brand awareness, have strategic actions and steps through which you will seek to achieve your goals.

· Being honest and personable for utmost engagement on your posts. As Hootsuite says, social media users and potential consumers are much more likely to engage with a profile that puts forth a real human brand. With social media marketing engagement is key to drawing ore customers and people want to engage with humans not stiff business personas.

· Maintain consistency. To convince consumers that your brand is stable, then you need to be consistent with your posts, message and branding. Maintain the tone you chose whether humorous, professional or polite, ensure you generally maintain this without veering sharply into a completely different tone or take.

· Get a social manager. As a small business owner, social media can get overwhelming over time and become too much to handle sometimes. A social media manager can take this burden off your hands and help maintain consistent engagement across all your platforms allowing you to focus on your other demands.

· Automate, review and track your progress. Automate your posting content schedule and keep reviewing your goals and action and track how well you are doing.

With the above effective practices, it becomes easy to ensure that the process of gaining a social media presence goes seamlessly. If, however, you’re still not convinced of the need for a social media presence get in touch with Susan. You can also review the following five benefits of having a social media presence for your business to realize that it is a wise business move:

1. Brand Awareness

As mentioned over and over before, brand awareness is one of the most important benefits of having a social media presence. Social media exposes your business’s existence to a wide audience and here you can reach your existing and potential audience even more quickly with information regarding your products, services and offers.

2. Create a Trusted Authoritative Brand

Armed with a social media presence, you can easily create robust profile of your brand and make it seem more trustworthy which makes customers trust your expertise. You can achieve this by communicating through your messages, information sharing and your brand’s area of expertise to appear thought leader in your particular industry.

3. Authentic Branding

While social media ca n also involves taking advantage of partnering with social media influencers to bring further recognition to your brand, it is however also easy to build an authentic following. Create a brand personality by giving your brand a voice whether casual, funny, friendly or formal to ensure that potential customers engage better with you and have people relate more easily to you.

4. Build Engagement to Boost Sales

According to ValueHits, using social media trends to gain ideas that will help achieve engagement is a great way to start if you find yourself running out of engagement ideas. The higher the views and engagement levels of your posts are, the more visibility you get and hence, this increases brand awareness and recognition as well as attracts customers.

5. Provide Support

As Convince and Convert puts it, the best way to show trustworthiness is by offering support through your channels. When customers criticize, express gratitude or complain, your response is what determines if potential customers perceive you as trustworthy. Hence, with your channels, you can build your reputation as a responsive and caring brand. This can be achieved through tracking customer comments, complaints and questions on social media and responding fast to any concerns and questions. Going out of your way to be helpful and positive will also help you achieve this.

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