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The COVID-19 Pandemic is a once in a generation event. 


When I was younger I would put together a scrap book of major world events such as  the first and second Gulf wars, the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and so on.  Those stories are part of what make up our lives.


With the world living online, it's time to do a scrapbook in a different way.  CAN YOU HELP?

I'd love to hear your stories and publish them on my YouTube channel.  My way of scrapbooking for the news of what's going on. 


How can you help?

Not everyone likes to be on camera and that's OK.  Do you want to tell your story?

1. Write me an email and I'll read it on video and post the video on the channel.

Send the email to

Please include:

  1. First Name only to protect yourself (cyber security and all) and a way for me to properly pronounce your name

  2. Where are you in the world 

  3. What was the world like for you late 2019 before the coronovirus hit?

  4. What has changed for you now?  How are you coping? 

  5. What will the world look like once this is over?

2. Record a video and send me the link to it (GDrive please)

Send the email to

Please include:

  1. First Name only to protect yourself (cyber security and all) and a way for me to properly pronounce your name

  2. Where are you in the world 

  3. What was the world like for you late 2019 before the coronovirus hit?

  4. What has changed for you now?  How are you coping? 

  5. What will the world look like once this is over?

3. Last option - interview style.  We can set up a 15 min interview

Send the email to and let me know this is your preferred option.

Tell the world what's going on for you and your family!

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